Fuel Injector Cleaning
Are you an engine rebuilder, mechanic, DIY car repair person or even a Fleet Manager or Fleet mechanic and live in SERVICE_AREA? Fuel injector cleaning is the most cost-effective way to restore full function to your fuel injectors.
A thorough injector cleaning from Cobra Fuel Injection is the affordable way to get your fuel injected vehicle to perform like new.
Why choose Cobra Fuel Injection?
- We electronically check each fuel injector, ohm them out to manufacturer’s specifications. Less than 5% are shorted out. If a fuel injector is shorted, it can’t be fixed or cleaned.
- Injectors are internally cleaned with ultrasound with pulse action. This moves internal parts of fuel injector and pushes cleaner through to clean out rust, sediment, bad gas, any imperfections, rust, ethanol, anything the first filter missed.
- Flow bench to check for leak, test spray pattern, all up to flow rate tests are performed and recorded, up to OEM standards. This data available on request.
- Visually inspected for defects making sure the “O” Ring area and filter areas will accept new parts. New O rings and filters placed on every injector, they are ready for installation.
- We can handle large fleet vehicle orders
If you have fuel injectors that need reconditioning and live in SERVICE_AREA call Cobra Fuel Injection at (386) 693-4100 for immediate assistance.
Click Here to fill out the form and send your injectors for service!